


  The next file to create is the rules file. This is a text file that contains a rule for each clIEnt or group of clients on which the Solaris OS will be installed. Each line of the rules file tells JumpStart which begin, profile, and finish files to use for each client or group of clients.

  There is only one rules file. It can contain multiple lines depending upon how many unique configurations are needed. The following shows the contents of a rules file that contains information for two separate clients:

 # cd /export/config
 # vi rules
 hostname client1 begin1 profile1 finish1
 hostname client2 begin2 profile2 finish2

  The rules file is used by the check script when it creates the rules.ok file. Successful creation of the rules.ok file is required for custom JumpStart installations.

  d. Create the begin file:

  The begin file is a user-defined Bourne shell script that is used to perform tasks on the client before the installation of the Solaris OS begins. Typical tasks include creating derived profiles and the backing up of files before upgrading.

  Multiple begin files can be used if desired. The following shows the creation of two begin files:

 # cd /export/config
 # vi begin1
 echo "Begin Script for JumpStart client1..."
 # vi begin2
 echo "Begin Script for JumpStart client2..."
 # chmod 755 begin*

  During installation on the client, output from the begin file is written to /tmp/begin.log. After the installation is done, the log file can be found in /var/sadm/system/logs/begin.log.
