



  Sun Microsystems' Solaris JumpStart technology is used to automate the installation of the Solaris Operating System and other associated software on multiple nodes of a network.

  Using Solaris JumpStart software on the Solaris 10 OS for x86/x64 platforms is essentially the same as on Solaris 10 OS for SPARC platforms. However, there are some subtle differences that need to be addressed for correct operation.

  This document provides the steps and explanations necessary to set up a JumpStart server for the Solaris 10 OS on a Sun x86/x64 Machine, along with configuring JumpStart for two or more clIEnts.

  As a general reference, refer to the Sun online document Using Custom JumpStart.


  This article presents step-by-step procedures for creating a JumpStart server using the Solaris 10 OS for x86/x64 platforms. This version of the Solaris 10 OS is used both for the OS running on the server and for the OS on the JumpStart installation server. Both AMD Opteron and Intel processor-based machines were used as servers and clients with no preference given as to which processor type was used for each.

  Instructions are provided to:

  Create a JumpStart Installation Server

  Create the Client Configuration Files

  Share the Installation and Configuration Directories

  Create the Client tftpboot Files

  Configure and Run the DHCP Server
