Default: NIS source files 存放在/etc目录下,这样map 的内容会与Master server的local files 相同,建议不要存放在/etc目录下。可通过修改/var/yp/Makefile,更改/etc换成你想要的Directory。
# Set the following variable to "-b" to have NIS servers use the domain
# resolver for hosts not in the current domain.
DIR =/etc
# If the passwd, shadow and/or adjunct files used by rpc.yppasswdd
# live in directory other than /etc then you'll need to change the
# following line.
# DO NOT indent the line, however, since /etc/init.d/yp attempts
# to find it with grep "^PWDIR" ...
PWDIR =/etc
DOM = `domainname`
ALIASES = /etc/mail/aliases
1.Configure NIS Master Server
①copy /etc/nsswitch.nis to /etc/nsswitch.conf
# cp /etc/nsswitch.nis /etc/nsswitch.conf
②define NIS domain name
# domainname
③Creat /etc/defaultdomain file
# vi /etc/defaultdomain
④Creat some empty files on directory “/etc”,如果不创建,NIS 安装时会显示错误
# cd /etc
#touch ethers bootparams locale timezone netgroup netmasks
⑤编辑 /var/yp/Makefile
添加 auto.home: auto.home.time
locale: locale.time
更改$(DIR)/auth_attr → $(DIR)/security/auth_attr
$(DIR)/exec_attr → $(DIR)/security/exec_attr
$(DIR)/prof_attr → $(DIR)/security/prof_attr
$(DIR)/audit_user →$(DIR)/security/audit_user
⑥编辑 /etc/locale
# vi /etc/locale
testnis en_US
⑦initial Master server
# ypinit –m
⑧启动Master server NIS Daemons
# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart :会启动ypserv、ypbind、rpc.yppasswdd、ypxfrd和rpc.ypupdated 五个daemons
⑨Bulid mail.aliases map
#cd /var/yp
#/usr/ccs/bin/make 更新Map
⑩Test NIS master server
# ypcat hosts : 查看hostname database
# ypcat passwd : 查看 passWord database
#ypwhich –m : 查看 master server 的所有数据库
2.Configure slave server
①# cp /etc/nsswitch.nis /etc/nsswitch.conf
②# vi /etc/hosts :添加网络中主机的hostname和IP
③# domainname testnis
④# vi /etc/defaultdomain
⑤# ypinit –c :先作为clIEnt初始化
⑥# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart
⑦# ypinit –s masterserver
⑧# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop
# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart
# ypwhich –m :如果能看到Master server的信息说明configure 成功
3.Configure NIS client
①# cp /etc/nsswitch.nis /etc/nsswitch.conf
②# vi /etc/hosts :添加Master server hostname 和 IP
③#domainname testnis
④#vi /etc/defaultdomain
⑤#ypinit –c :添加yp master server and slave server
⑥# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart
#ypwhich –m :查看master server的数据库信息,如果看到说明NIS client 成功