
Solaris 10安装命令sys-uncofig用法介绍


  以root用户登录Solaris后,在命令行提示符下输入  # sys-unconfig

This program will unconfigure your system. It will cause it
to revert to a "blank" system - it will not have a name or know
about other systems or networks.
This program will also halt the system.
Do you want to continue (y/n) ?

  重新启动Solaris后,将提示对系统重新进行设 置,包括缺省语言、X Server、网络、时间等的设置。

  (1) 语言选择。选择1,简体中文。回车,进入下一步

Select a Language
1.SimplifIEd Chinese
Please make a choice (0 - 1),or press h or ? for help:

  (2) 字符集选择。选择2。回车,进入下一步

Select a Locale
0.Simplified Chinese EUC
1.Simplified Chinese EUC
2.Simplified Chinese GB18030
3.Simplified Chinese GBK
4.Simplified Chinese GBK
5.Simplified Chinese UFT-8
6.Simplified Chinese UFT-8
7.Go Back to Previous Screen
Please make a choice (0 - 7),or press h or ? for help:

  (3) X Server选择。通过上下键将光标移到Xorg server,回车选中。F2,进入下一步

kdmconfig - Introduction and X Server Selection
X Server Selection
[X] Xorg server
[ ] Xsun server
F2_Continue     F3_Exit     F6_Help

  (4) 网卡设置。系统自动找到网卡。以下步骤中,网卡名以****代表。回车,进入下一步
