[ system/filesystem/usr:default starting (/usr and / mounted read/write) ]
( more service messages elided )
[ system/filesystem/local:default starting (Local filesystem mounts) ]
[ network/ntp:default starting (network time protocol (NTP)) ]
[ system/utmp:default starting (utmpx monitoring) ]
[ system/filesystem/local:default starting (Local filesystem mounts) ]
[ system/console-login:default starting (Console login) ]
demobox console login: checking ufs filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7: is logging.
Oct 18 13:53:14/50: system/system-log:default starting
Oct 18 13:53:14/51: network/inetd:default starting
Oct 18 13:53:14/52: system/cron:default starting
( more service messages elided )
服务启动消息的顺序在每次引导时可能会有所不同,因为 SMF 将按照服务的相关性关系并行启动这些服务。
如果服务无法成功启动,则除了打印启动消息之外,还会打印警告消息。以下是 NTP 服务无法启动的一个示例:
[ system/filesystem/local:default starting (Local filesystem mounts) ]
[ network/ntp:default starting (network time protocol (NTP)) ]
Oct 25 13:58:42/49 ERROR: svc:/network/ntp:default:
Method "/lib/svc/method/xntp" failed with exit status 96.
Oct 25 13:58:42 svc.startd[4]: svc:/network/ntp:default:
Method "/lib/svc/method/xntp" failed with exit status 96.
[ network/ntp:default misconfigured (see 'svcs -x' for details) ]