
Debian Linux系统Socks5服务器安装方法

; [1] 下载 http://www.haikuo.googlepages.com/socks5-v1.0r11.patched.tgz [2] 编译 $ ./configure --with-threads --with-srvconffile=/etc/socks5/config --with-srvpwdfile=/etc/socks5/passwd $ make [3] 安装 $ sudo make server.install [4] 配置 $ vim /etc/socks5/config ### A socks5 Config file to use between 2 servers, using a VPN # # auth source-host source-port auth-methods # permit auth cmd src-host dest-host src-port dest-port [user-list] # deny auth cmd src-host dest-host src-port dest-port [user-list] # Proxy lines are of the form: # proxy-type dest-host dest-port proxy-list # socks4 dest-host dest-port proxy-list # socks5 dest-host dest-port proxy-list # noproxy dest-host dest-port proxy-list # set SOCKS5_BINDINFC 9301 # SOCKS4 set SOCKS5_V4SUPPORT # set SOCKS5_MAXCHILD 30 # set SOCKS5_TIMEOUT 15 set SOCKS5_NOIDENT set SOCKS5_DEMAND_IDENT # # set SOCKS5_PWDFILE /etc/socks5.pwd # 用户认证方式 auth - - u # 允许所有IP的用户 permit u - - - - - - # 若限制某个IP段(可访问 #permit - - 192.168.0. - - - # 若限制某个IP(可访问 #permit - - - - - deny - - - - - - # 级连 # socks4 - - # socks5 - - 然后是密码文件 $ vim /etc/socks5/passwd # userA passwd userA passA [5] 启动服务 确定你的 /etc/services 文件中有包含 socks的描述,否则就手动加入 $ vim /etc/services socks 1080/tcp # socks proxy server socks 1080/udp 服务采用inetd的方式 在 /etc/inetd.conf 中加入 $ vim /etc/inetd.conf #socks5 server socks5 stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/socks5 socks5 -i 重启 inetd $ sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart 现在, 一个socks5的服务就启动了。

标签: linux